When it comes to sticking to those New Year’s resolutions, the trick is to find small ways, on a daily basis, to work in your workout! According to Jose Luis Beltran, fitness manager at Rancho La Puerta, “Everything you do, every single decision you make, either takes you a step closer or a step further away from your goals. Like my grandfather use to always tell me, ‘If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not you’ll find an excuse.'”
Here are Beltran’s suggestions for getting more activity in while you’re at work, and making it easier to stick to those goals.
1. When feeling thirsty, walk to the farthest water station away from your desk Healthy levels of water intake can help energize muscles, revitalize skin and promote weight loss. It also flushes your kidneys and promotes regular bowel function.
2. Pace while talking on the phone Standing burns twice as many calories as sitting.
3. Practice corrective exercises Keep a foam roller at your office. Those who work at an office or on the computer all day know how hard it is to keep from slouching. Consistent bad posture can lead to a whole array of back and spine conditions, as well as gastrointestinal pains, headaches and bad circulation. Now is the time to make a conscious change! Get up from your desk and stretch on your roller every couple of hours.
4. Take the stairs not the elevator There are no shortcuts, you get out what you put in.
5 . Go for a walk with a friend, or for a one-on-one business meeting, instead of sitting down over coffee.
And smile often! When we smile, our brain releases endorphins that counteract stress and make us feel more relaxed.
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