You’ve shredded more than 30 days with Jillian Michaels and sweated to the oldies so many times that you know the move sequence by heart, including that skip on your DVD. You’d like to mix it up with the latest workout options, but the thought of leaving the comfort of your den is a bit daunting. Luckily, a host of the hottest boutique fitness programs have recently launched streaming offerings, allowing you to try Hollywood workouts at home.
You may have first seen the concept on Oprah when Gwyneth Paltrow introduced viewers to her BFF trainer Tracy Anderson and her now famous method during a video chat workout. And today’s versions, which include a package from TA herself, are easy to use and, even customizable from any one of your devices. Bonus—the prices are great. Here’s how to get some of Hollywood’s hottest workouts at home.
Tracy Anderson The first and last name of the boutique fitness trend recently relaunched her website and with it introduced a streaming subscription to all. One-hour, in-studio live classes taught by Anderson and her team are posted each Wednesday. Follow her dance-inspired, tightening cardio-strength routine at your schedule from anywhere in the world before a new one hits the web. Six month memberships are $475;
AKT InMotion The high intensity, cardio dance plyo workout that counts Kelly Ripa, Sarah Jessica Parker and Shakira as fans, packages target-specific workouts in 10-minute increments. Do single intensity blasts (shoulders and back or core, for example) or mix and match for a full at-home workout (in studio classes, which clock in at 60 to 90 minutes, are divided into similar intervals). Pre-packaged bundles streamline the entire Shazam. Note: Some props (dumbbells, yoga blocks, resistance bands) may be needed. Single videos start at $7.99; $30 for a four video bundle;
Ballet Beautiful Taking a cue from her classical dance training, Mary Helen Bowers developed the Ballet Beautiful, a low-impact workout that promises to impart practitioners with lithe and strong bodies. The method that has become popular with NYC tastemakers now has a variety of online workout options. One is the BBLive. Think of it as a video conference call with your favorite workout. Classes are scheduled and limited in size. The a la carte option streams classic series in on-the-go-class times of 10 to 15 minutes. Allover body and Ballet Baby bundles are also available. Single videos start at $8; bundles start at $12.99; single online classes are $35;
Barre3 As a complement to its outposts from Canada to the Philippines, Massachusetts to Washington State, and the District of Columbia, the strengthening, lengthening, and uber-effective studio workout of the moment has launched a comprehensive digital extension. Available to members and voyeurs alike, the pack includes workouts, recipes and stay-on-track tools, and interactive calendars. For the streaming classes, users can browse a library of more than 150 workouts. Base your search on time: 10-, 30-, 40-, and 60 minutes; specialty: pre- or postnatal, etc.; or target-area: upper body, core and total body. The Barre3 App for Apple delivers all of the above to your iPhone. Starts at $15 a month;
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